Even as we stand in relative stillness and move, it is helpful to regard our embodying being as not an isolated object, but as an integral aspect of nature. Life. Universe. God. Existence. ...
As we stand & move, as we breathe, Life energy, chi, qi, prana, life force....flows through and enlivens us as much as it does our surroundings and beyond. We are simply capable of focusing life energy as we choose to embody such.
Accordingly, as important as whatever physical positions, movements, techniques & alignments we choose to apply to whatever we are doing, is focusing our awareness so we are also embodying qualities such as wuji - void - loving spaciousness.
Perhaps choosing to resonate with qualities of color vibrations , such as white as a general all-inclusive clarifying quality. Or whatever other color(s) resonate. Focusing on qualities of appreciation & honesty, feeling such saturating ones being & radiating out into the rest of life as well. ...💙☯️
Taiji qigong side opening flowing.
A moment of tai chi qigong, side arching opening flowing. This also nourishes pliable intercostal muscles & fascia, making it easier to inhale & exhale more fully & smoothly.
Coiling & crossover low step flowing.
Tai chi qigong flow while sharing space with furry raccoon friends.
Moment of zhan zhuang.
Moment of zhan zhuang. Simple processes such as zhan zhuang - standing embodied meditation, are deeply nourishing. Zhan zhuang nurtures harmonious spiritually - sensually embodying honest presence, presently attuned awareness, sensitivity, calm focus & harmony. Among additional benefits.