Massage sessions are available by appointment. At my Marin office & at your location, every day 11 am - 10pm. My office is conveniently located near the 101 freeway, in downtown San Rafael.
Benefits of massages at my Marin office include -
* Enjoying relaxing, healthy massage away from a busy home life, at my San Rafael, Ca. office. * Helps resolve many types of muscle & fascia pain & tension. * Compliments athletic - fitness performance. * Naturally nurturing. * Transforms stress into peaceful vitality. * Enjoy more deeply comfortable, healthy embodiment. * Encourages healthy lymph & blood circulatory flow. * Calms nervous system. * Deepens quiet minded, open hearted unity of mind, emotions & body. * Nourishing ones embodying awareness and yin - yang harmony. * Affirming respect for ones' natural physicalizing nature.
Rate is $90 per hour for table massage.
E-mail me call or text me at (510 )435-1263 to schedule massage(s) at my Marin office, or at your home.
Please leave your first and last name and clarification of why you are calling when leaving a voicemail, sending emails or texts.
💙☯️A useful consideration, often overlooked by many people, is that areas of pain, soreness, and tension in the body are often not the only areas & muscles that are involved or necessarily the main cause of issues. Sometimes, not always.
For instance, someone may be experiencing tension and discomfort in their neck and upper back, and expect that massage just in those sore areas alone will resolve the issue. Sometimes it will.
Yet that tension & discomfort may be related to other issues as well. Such as weak or excessively tight gluteus medius or adductor muscles on one side of the hip or inner thigh, causing the hip to tilt or rotate to one side more. That can cause rhomboids, traps, levator scapula & upper body generally on one or both sides to attempt to compensate by contracting or slightly rotating to the other side to try to keep the head & eyes level.
Or pain & tension in back & neck can be caused by the common forward rounding of shoulders, contraction of pectoral - chest & anterior shoulder muscles, and pulling the rhomboids ( which may also be weak & need strengthening ), trapezius & other muscles into an overly extended, stressed state. That can create a forward tiling, off-balance alignment which will cause tension and discomfort in the hips, back and neck, possibly headaches, shoulder impingement, calf tension and other issues.
Opening & releasing the anterior torso, chest, and shoulders to help allow the body to release back into a more optimum balanced alignment of upper body through hips, legs and feet, will be far more effective than just massaging the back & neck alone.
The body, our muscles, fascia, bones, attitudes, habits, lifestyle, whether we are overweight or maintaining a healthfully trim - physically fit body, hydration, our attitudes ( negatively projecting or being openly honestly communicative with each other & appreciative, stressed or calm ), whether or not we own our equal individual responsibility for proactively & responsively directly stating any boundaries preferences and feelings we have before expecting to have such understood & equally respected, our alignment as we move, stand, sit & sleep, are all interconnected. Contributing to our health, how we feel, our discomfort or comfort in our body and mobility, relational experiences, and harmony with ourselves, each other, and life in general.
So while I usually include focusing on areas that are overtly tense & symptomatic during your massage sessions, consideration & massage time as needed can also be given to how other areas of the body & factors can influence areas of excess tension, pain, alignment, etc., and how to be supportive of healthy, comfortable embodiment.
A common occurrence when people maintain 1 position or do repetitive movements for long periods of time, is the fascia & muscles enveloped within fascial web of sorts, can become stiff and dense. This can create pain, soreness, areas of numbness & decreased proprioceptive feeling awareness.
Combining consistent exercise, with regularly receiving massage sessions helps prevent as well as decrease such symptoms. Aiding in being & feeling more comfortable, facile, flexible and enjoyably alive in ones' body and emotions.
Receiving massage sessions on a consistent basis is a very useful, naturally healthy contribution to overall wellness.
In Home Massage Sessions.
I bring my massage chair or table, massage oil or massage creme & caring skill to provide you with quality, relaxing & fitness complimentary massage sessions in the convenience of your own home. Generally in home massage sessions are available between 11am - 10pm every day. Serving San Francisco North Bay & San Francisco.
Benefits of in-home massage sessions include -
* Compliments healthy fitness & lifestyle choices. * Convenience of massage at your home. * Athletic performance enhancement. * Calm embodiment. * Muscularly, mentally & emotionally relaxing & nurturing. * Improves lymph flow. * Rejuvenating. * Supports creative energy flow. * Grounding. * Quiets mind. * Supports homeostasis. * Nourishing ones embodying awareness and yin - yang harmony. * Reconnecting to natural life rhythms.
E-mail me, call or text me at (510)435-1263 to schedule in home massage session(s). Rate is $90 per hour, plus on-site fee dependent on location.
Leave your full first and last name, clarification of why you are calling and what days & times you are wanting to schedule massage(s), when leaving a voicemail or sending emails or texts.
Chair Massages at my Marin Office & On-Site at Businesses, Events, Homes & more.
Chair massages at my San Rafael office - Clothed chair massages are also available at my San Rafael office. 10 - 30 minutes per chair massage session. Generally 10am - 10pm every day by appointment. And drop-in when available - appointments are recommended.
Chair massages rates at my San Rafael office and your business & events, are -
Per Person Rates : 10 minutes - $20 15 minutes - $25 20 minutes - $35 30 minutes - $50
Group Rate : $90 per hour for 1 - 5 hour on-site chair massage visits at your business, events, etc.. location. 5 - 20 minute clothed chair massages per person usually. Serving San Francisco & San Francisco North Bay.
Massage sessions have many benefits. People need not be in pain or have specific physical injuries, pain, etc., to benefit from receiving massage sessions. As the deep relaxation, calming, stress relieving, nurturing, and physical - athletic ability-enhancing benefits of receiving massages are received even when not in pain or having specific issues. Especially when included regularly as part of wellness self-care choices along with exercising consistently, maintaining a healthy trim weight, hydrating sufficiently, having a healthy work-relaxation balance in life.
When massages are received to assist in recovering from injuries, chronic or acute pain, mobility restrictions, and other physical ailments, many times massage sessions are quite beneficial to the process of healing, regaining functional physical abilities, reducing or eliminating pain & excess tension, facilitating healthy range of motion, etc..
Even the general calming, relaxing qualities of receiving massages helps to calm the nervous system, release endorphins, reduce pain & stress symptoms. Usually after receiving massages from me, people mention feeling a noticeable reduction or even elimination of pain, discomfort, excess muscular tightness and stress they were experiencing before their massages. And feeling refreshingly relaxed, nurtured and more present in their body when they appreciate receiving.
It is also important to be honest & realistic in our expectations for massage sessions. As there are often many factors contributing to individuals' specific symptoms of pain, stress, injuries, discomfort, muscular issues, and other physical ailments they want to be resolved. Massage by itself is, of course, not a cure-all for everything. Anyone who claims it is or should be able to resolve any & all physical issue and that people's choices of daily living, activities, level of physical fitness, etc have no effect in the process, is being dishonest and trying to sell something via dishonesty.
Equally relative as receiving massage sessions are, to whether and how fully we are healthy, recover from injuries and postural issues, are pain-free, release stress & feel comfortable and have good physical abilities, are the choices we make in our day to day lives.
A few factors that will support massages being effective, include :
- Exercising consistently. Especially types of exercises that are healthy for the joints, and provide a balance of strengthening and stretching and meditative calming qualities.
- Being a healthfully trim weight, physically slender, toned & fit. This keeps the body healthy, able to recover from injuries quicker and more fully, agile, and feeling good in one's body. It also allows for clearer, effective palpation, sensing and massaging of bony landmarks, muscles and fascia of the body during massages.
- Not smoking, using hard drugs or drinking alcohol often. This keeps the body cleaner, more resilient, supports a healthy immune system, and reduces inflammation risks.
- Communicating self-responsibly, proactively & responsively directly openly honestly with me generally. And about any relative issues, medical & injury issues, boundaries & preferences you have at any time relative to your massages, lifestyle habits, symptoms, and other related factors. As this helps co-create mutual clarity & giving of massage sessions according to one's specific individual needs, preferences and comfort.
Especially as I've learned from experience how diversely many different people choose to interpret & thereby feel about the same experiences, areas of their body they are comfortable with & want being included or avoided, depth and pace of massage, amount of & areas draped or not, talking or quiet during sessions, etc..
A common example of diverse perspectives & comfort I've learned individuals receiving massages have, include -
* Some massage school instructors included abdominal, chest & breast massage as part of the massage courses I've taken during my massage training. And some clients of both genders I've learned are comfortable with, view as natural and helpful to include these areas. While some other individuals are uncomfortable with and prefer such areas avoided. Both are valid, as long as anyone who has a boundary simply owns their equality of responsibility & accountability for knowing & mutually respectfully directly honestly proactively & responsively telling me anytime they have a boundary exactly what, when & where such is before expecting me to know & respect such so that I can & will. Since of course I am not a mind-reader, and I trust people to be mature & respectful enough to do so for mutual clarity & respect. Of course if someone says nothing or infers or says they are comfortable, I can only trust they are comfortable and give accordingly.
Especially as the pectoral and abdominal muscles and fascial areas have a significant effect on and are effected by postural strain, alignment, excess tension & pain in back and neck and shoulders among additional areas. Along with lymph flow through chest. As part of this, I also require clients respect my boundaries equally. One of my boundaries being the requirement of clients to proactively & responsively communicate directly honestly clearly with my any specific boundary, preferences & questions they have during their sessions. And to respect any boundary I have regarding what areas I avoid, as I tend to be a bit more conservative generally about areas of the body included in sessions than I've learned some women want for their sessions.
If you, whoever I give sessions for, has a specific preference, boundary, interest, expectation for any aspects of your massages, then simply mutually respectfully directly honestly telling me exactly what, when & where such is so I can know and give & adjust anything accordingly, creates & allows for mutual clarity, comfort, respect and more harmonious massage sessions and relating generally. Abusively dishonest, unintegral people are also the same people who feel offended & react negatively to people like myself who are honest and speak honestly about such matters.
- Creating time to receive massages on a frequent, consistent basis from me. This allows for the development of deepening clarity about your specific issues, what is helpful during massages & generally, supports harmonious rapport ( combined with appreciation and open honest communication referred to above ), and increases the cumulative benefits of massage sessions. Among additional benefits.
A few factors that will impede or prevent massages from being as effective as they can be, include :
- Continuing to do activities & use postures which are damaging to ones body. Sitting for hours a day without getting up to stretch and move every couple hours, especially year after year. Putting the body into off balance, straining positions on a frequent basis. Frequently shifting weight to one side such as standing or sitting tilted to one leg or hip. Jutting the head forward or tilting head to one side chronically.
- Being overweight. Excess weight beyond a healthfully trim physical fitness, puts the spine, joints, muscles, cardiovascular & other organ systems under damaging stress. Causing or contributing to degeneration & damage of the spine & joints, pain, arthritis, cardiac disease, reduced lymph flow, fatigue, reduces ability to access & massage muscles, and other health issues.
- Expecting massages to cure all issues, or any issue even in just one or two visits. Especially if the issue is chronic or severe.
- Not self-responsibly directly honestly communicating one's specific issues, expectations, boundaries, feelings, preferences, lifestyle habits, and relative factors before, during and after massage sessions. Massage sessions are a relational process which, in order to be as effective as possible & to receive according to one's preferences & comfort, equally requires clear, honest open communication from massage clientele about ones related issues, personal preferences & boundaries during massages, symptoms, etc.. Individuals are of course widely diverse in how each person chooses to interpret, appreciate and thereby feel about & appreciate aspects of massages such as depth of pressure, how much or little talking during sessions, preference for draping and what areas of the body are included & avoided, duration of sessions, types of massage methods, etc..